Types of Ring Binders You Should Know About

Types of Ring Binders You Should Know About

There are several types of ring binders in the current market and without the necessary information, you might choose one that is incompatible with your needs. To add, different factors inform your decision.

So, what type of binder should I purchase if I am heading for a tradeshow or event? What factors should I consider if I simply want to store my legal documents in the office? With over 30 years of producing a wide variety of high-quality and customizable products, World Wide Menus has compiled the following to inform potential clients.  

Types of binders

There are several binders for you to choose from. We have detailed the several options that we offer as well as the reason that you should choose them.

Vinyl Ring Binders

These binders are made from two pieces of vinyl, an inner and outer piece that are welded over several pieces of cardboard. Depending on the manufacturer, the binder will then be fitted with either a two-ring, a four-ring, or a lever mechanism. The type of mechanism used will determine the overall size.

Vinyl ring binders are known for their durability and longevity. They are ideal for accounting, legal, or professional company with a high volume of paperwork.

An advantage of these binders is that they are easy to clean, come in different colors, and offer sufficient protection from dirt and moisture.

Paper-over-board ring binders

The manufacturing process involves the use of a single cardboard piece with a laminated outer cover and a non-laminated inner cover. The laminated outer cover provides a sealed edge, offering protection from grease, dirt, and moisture.

Similar to the option detailed above, paper-over-board ring binders can be fitted with several mechanisms.

An advantage over other ring binders is customization. It can easily be printed or branded with any artwork or font, making it perfect for companies looking for affordable merchandise and promotional material.

However, they are not ideal for long-term use as the finish degrades relatively fast over time.

Polypropylene ring binders

It is a common choice due to its affordability. If the acquisition cost is your most important factor, then we recommend polypropylene ring binders. As you can properly guess from the name, polypropylene ring binders have some plastic properties giving the protection of your documents from spillages.

This type of binder is lightweight and is ideal for moving around with. They are available in varying degrees of thicknesses from 450-micron lightweight to 1100 heavyweight. Depending on your needs, the in-house design team at World Wide Menus can also add in pockets to your polypropylene ring binders.

Factors to consider for the right ring binder for your needs

From the information detailed above, you can appreciate the number of options that you have when it comes to selecting rind binders. As a potential buyer, you can at times feel torn between two or more good choices that you consider to match your needs.

Most clients that we have interacted with consider price as the most important factor to consider. However, from our experience, there are other factors that should be taken into account for your ring binders to offer you the ideal service.

Here are some factors that you ponder upon:


The issue of mechanism is highly tied to the use that you intend for your ring binders. World Wide Menus offers ring binders with the following mechanisms:

  • Two-ring mechanisms. Are a popular option due to its cheaper cost compared to the other two. While cheaper, it still offers good value.
  • Three-ring mechanisms. Ideal for heavy usage in the office or travel. We recommend adding extra rings to reduce tear stress on your documents.
  • Lever arch mechanisms. If you need to access, reorganize, and move documents frequently, this type of ring binder is idea. 


What is the use of the ring binder that you have an eye on? Will you be using the ring binder in a presentation? Or are your needs simpler and you are simply looking to re-organize your office? Depending on your usage needs, you should be able to select the ideal binder.

For more official use, you should consider a branded ring binder or at least one that allows for an insert on the front. Those who would be covering long distances with documents are recommended to choose a more flexible option.

Ring Style

The ring style is another consideration that most buyers don’t take into account. If you are working with smaller documents (possibly single sheet documents), the team at World Wide Menus recommends that you purchase an O-ring binder.

The ring size and thickness

The ring size for your binder often varies, from around half to 4 inches. As a general rule of thumb, the thickness of the binder you need depends on the number of sheets that you would prefer per binder.

For more information on the ring size/ thickness, why don’t you get in touch with us today? World Wide Menus is always willing and ready to discuss on the details of its services.

Size of sheets and sheet capacity

While O-ring binders are popular and common, they come with a disadvantage; low sheet capacity. To store your numerous files, you might need to purchase several options, making it an inefficient buy.

For all your ring binder needs

We can bet that you didn’t all that about types of ring binders. Before you select the ideal branding for your company or organization, you need to take considerable time contemplating the overall use and need for your binder. We acknowledge that you might not have the expertise or experience. That’s where we come in.

Rely on the #1 service provider in the UK, World Wide Menus. We are a family-owned business, known for its quality and exceptional products with a personal touch. We owe our success to our experienced and talented in-house design team who ensure that each product meets the needs of our clients.

With World Wide Menus, you are guaranteed 100% customer satisfaction. Get in touch with us today and learn more of our services and products.

Read: Different service areas and Benefits of Ring Binders

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